Leeds Lap Dancing Clubs seek Judicial Review

19 Dec

Following the adoption of legislation by Leeds City Council to regulate Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) in 2012 seven premises were granted licences. The new powers gave Licensing Authorities for the first time the power to restict the number and location of SEVs in accordance with their policy.

Following these grants, Leeds revised their policy reducing the permitted number from seven to four. Six premises subsequently applied to renew their licences in September but only four were successful.

Those clubs who failed to secure the renewal of their licences were Deep Blue, Wildcats and Red Leopard.

The effects of the decision were that the premises in question would have been unlicensed with effect from 4am on Friday 13 December 2013.

Leeds City Council is now the subject of Judicial Review proceedings in respect of Wildcats and Deep Blue.

Following an application to Mr Justice Griffith Williams, the duty Judge for out of hours applications in the Queen’s Bench Division in London, a stay of the Council’s decision was secured enabling Wildcats and Deep Blue to continue operating as SEVs pending their application for permission to judicially review the Council’s decision expected in the New Year.




Law correct at the date of publication.
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